Course Policy - All classes

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Course Evaluation

Students will be evaluated based upon class performance/participation, tests, lab assignments and attendance (if you don't show, you can't learn!).


Tests will be short answer, multiple choice or work done on the computer and printed out. No makeup exams will be given. Assignments are due as scheduled, unless the schedule is changed. If yours is a Certification Preparation class, you may take the Certification exam when you are prepared (and BEFORE the end of the course!) for your Certification Exam score to be used as your final grade.

Course Schedule

Each class has its own schedule, based upon the material to be covered. Class progress may be slower, or faster, than the initial schedule for any number of reasons. Changes to the schedule will be made, based upon class progress, and posted on this website, if necessary. If it's not here, it's not official.

Lab assignments

Lab time will be scheduled within regular class sessions. Additional lab time SHOULD be available, but depends upon the computer lab availability. All lab assignments are designed to be completed within the allowed lab time, unless otherwise noted in the course schedule.


Grading will be done as objectively as possible and will be based upon:


You are expected to attend class regularly. Absence will NOT excuse you from the responsibility of completing assignments/lab activities. BEFORE you miss class: Get phone numbers from one or more students, or make other arrangements with them, to get notes of material covered.

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